What’s At Stake
Writing the Rules To Support American Jobs
Watch the President's Weekly Address on TPP
The President's Remarks on Trade
TPP's Impact on the American People and Workers
Why is that? Ninety-five percent of the world’s consumers live outside our borders. Our Made-in-America products and services are in demand, making American exports a vital pillar of our 21st century economy. In fact, exports played an indispensable role in America’s resurgence from the Great Recession.So, when the rules are fair, Americans can out-compete anyone in the world.
What’s in the Deal Writing the Rules To Support American Jobs

On Workers’ Rights:
- A ban on child and forced labor
- A minimum wage
- A ban on workplace discrimination
- The right to form a union and bargain collectively
- Workplace safety standards
- Trade sanctions for violating labor rights

On the Environment:
- Combat illegal wildlife trafficking
- Protect against overfishing
- Protect our oceans
- Combat illegal logging
- Trade sanctions for violating environmental protections

On Other Progressive Priorities:
- Protect a free and open Internet
- Protect consumers from fraud and deception
- Require comprehensive anti-corruption and transparency measures
- Help simplify export rules for small businesses
Learn everything you need to know about what’s in the deal and who it helps.
What People Are Saying
Here’s Who Supports the TPP and Why
What Experts and Leaders are Saying (Trade)
Joint Ocean Commission Initiative
Wildlife Conservation Society
U.S. Conference of Mayors
Council on Foreign Relations
Statement by the President on TPP
The President on Securing the Trans-Pacific Partnership
This partnership levels the playing field for our farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers by eliminating more than 18,000 taxes that various countries put on our products. It includes the strongest commitments on labor and the environment of any trade agreement in history, and those commitments are enforceable, unlike in past agreements. It promotes a free and open Internet. It strengthens our strategic relationships with our partners and allies in a region that will be vital to the 21st century. It’s an agreement that puts American workers first and will help middle-class families get ahead.